BC-4 "중심되신 그리스도" 2/11

(“Being Christian” 2nd topic - 성경 Bible)

제목: “중심되신 그리스도” (예수 그리스도께서 이야기의 중심이다)

[1] "이야기의 중심은 그리스도이다"

(a) 그 이유는? 그리스도는 누구인가?

(b)그리스도 빛에 비추어 분별한다

[2] 그리스도를 중심으로 성경을 연결한다

(a) 단 한번에 이루어 지지 않는다 (평생을 걸쳐 배우는 일이다)

(b) 성경을 깊이 묵상하여 하나씩 하나씩 예수와 연결한다.

[3] 예수안에서 하나님께 함께 귀 기울이는 삶이다.

- 이 이야기에서 어떻게 우리의 (자신의) 모습을 알 수 있을까?

- 이 성경 읽기를 통해 우리는 어떻게 함께 새로워질 수 있을까?

*함께 듣기: 야고보서  4:13-17

[결단의 기도] 주일 예배의 꽃은 결단하며 헌신하는 것입니다. 말씀을 통해 <실천 한가지>를 정하여 헌신합니다

[오늘의 성경 본문]

(요한복 14:6, 새번역) “예수께서 그에게 말씀하셨다. "나는 길이요, 진리요, 생명이다. 나를 거치지 않고서는, 아무도 아버지께로 갈 사람이 없다.”

(John 14:6, ESV) “Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

(야고보서 4:13-17, 새번역) “「13」 "오늘이나 내일 어느 도시에 가서, 일 년 동안 거기에서 지내며, 장사하여 돈을 벌겠다" 하는 사람들이여, 들으십시오.

「14」 여러분은 내일 일을 알지 못합니다. 여러분의 생명이 무엇입니까? 여러분은 잠깐 나타났다가 사라져버리는 안개에 지나지 않습니다.

「15」 도리어 여러분은 이렇게 말해야 할 것입니다. "주님께서 원하시면, 우리가 살 것이고, 또 이런 일이나 저런 일을 할 것이다."

「16」 그런데 여러분은 지금 우쭐대면서 자랑하고 있습니다. 그와 같은 자랑은 다 악한 것입니다.

「17」 그러므로 사람이 해야 할 선한 일이 무엇인지 알면서도 하지 않으면, 그것은 그에게 죄가 됩니다.”

(James 4:13-17, ESV) “「13」 Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit"--

「14」 yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.

「15」 Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that."

「16」 As it is, you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil.

「17」 So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.”

[읽는 설교 / in English]

[1] "이야기의 중심은 그리스도이다"

(a) 그 이유는? 그리스도는 누구인가?

(b)그리스도 빛에 비추어 분별한다

[1] "The center of the story is Christ"

(a) Why? Who is Christ?

- How can we decide what a good or bad interpretation of that story maight be like?

- The Christia answer is, umsurprisingly, in terms of Jesus Christ. As Christians read the Bible, the stroy converges on Jesus. The full meaning of what has gone before is laid bare in Jesus. The agenda for what follows is set in Jesus. And, without trying to undermine or ignore the integrity of Jewish of Scritpure in itself, the Christian is bound to say that he or she can only read those Jewish Scriptures as moving towards the point at which a new depth of meaning is laid bare in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

- All these stories, narrative of God's initiative and human response, pivot around that one central fact. Here, in the story of Jesus, is the story in which we see what an unequivocal obedience and love look like. >>>\ pivot : the central point / leaving no doubt : clear

- Here is the story where we see a response to God so full of integriety, so whole, that it reflects perfectly the act of God that draws it out. Here is the story in which the speaking of God and the responding of Human beings are bound together inseprarably.

(b) Discern in the light of Christ

- And so if whole Bible is about the speaking of God and the responding of human beings, the of course it is by looking at the story of Jeuss, the luminous centre, that we discover how to read the rest of it. Jesus, living, dying, raised from the dead, breathing his Sprit of his Church - it is his light at you read the rest of the Bible.

[2] 그리스도를 중심으로 성경을 연결한다

- virtuous cycle (악순환 vicious circle)

(a) 단 한번에 이루어 지지 않는다 (평생을 걸쳐 배우는 일이다)

(b) 성경을 깊이 묵상하여 하나씩 하나씩 예수와 연결한다.

[2] Connecting the Bible with Christ at the center

- - virtuous cycle (악순환 vicious circle)

(a) It doesn’t happen all at once (it’s something you learn throughout your life)

- You keep going round and round, in a kind of virtuous circle. As you keep circling around that central reality, each time round you may see something fresh. 'Ah, so that's how that bit in Leviticua and that bit in Ezekiel comes alive when you relate it to Jesus.'

(b) Meditate deeply on the Bible and connect with Jesus one by one.

- And the whole massive history of Christian commentary on the Bible is just an everspanding exercise in thet reality; that of relating different bits to the centre. Those readers who know their business are doing just that: pondering and absorbing the Bible, hoping that something will come alive in relation to Jesus Christ in a new way.

[3] 예수안에서 하나님께 함께 귀 기울이는 삶이다.

- 이 이야기에서 어떻게 우리의 (자신의) 모습을 알 수 있을까?

- 이 성경 읽기를 통해 우리는 어떻게 함께 새로워질 수 있을까?

[3] It is a life of listening together to God in Jesus.

How can we find out who we are in this story?

How can we be renewed together through reading this Bible?

- So reading the Bible is about listening to God in Jesus which is what Christians ought to be doing in all circumstances anyway. It is the Holy Spirit bring you inside the story of how God related to the ancient Israelites and the first Christian believers - letting the Holy Spirit bring you inside that story so that you recognize it as your story,

- And developing and maturing in the reading of the Bible involves coming to recognize patterns of faithful and unfaithful response to God in the light of Jesus. That is what begins to happen when you make Christ the centre and focus of your prayful reading.

- How do we find ourselves in this?

- How are we going to be renewed together by this reading?

Because when that happens, the Bible is an essential source, as well as a sign, of the Christian life.

[All listen] Let us all listen to James 4:13-17 together and listen to the voice of the Lord.

"Come now, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit'— yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, 'If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.' As it is, you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil. So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him, it is sin."

May we all reflect on these words and heed the wisdom they offer.

[Prayer of Decision]

 The flower of Sunday worship is decision and dedication. I dedicate myself to <one thing to put into practice> through the Word.

"[Prayer of Decision] The flower of Sunday worship is decision and dedication. Lord, I dedicate myself to [one thing to put into practice] through Your Word. May Your guidance and strength be with me as I seek to live out this decision in my life. In Your name, I pray. Amen."